Adapting to Change – Quotes for Your Next Life Transition

Transitioning to new possibilities in life is not easy. Major shifts that are outside of our normal way of doing things can cause immense stress. We often need a fresh perspective or some additional motivation and support to get though our difficult times. Hopefully these quotes about adapting to change

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10 Quotes to Make You Feel Better and Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling Quotes “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight” – Phyllis Diller “Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you” – Peace Pilgrim “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose” – Tom Wilson “You’re smile looks beautiful on

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“The best defense is a good offense” – Positive momentum

Some say having a good defense is more important than having a good offense. Perhaps this may be the case in sports. But in real life, it’s important that we stay in an offensive mode in order to be successful.  We must stay on the offensive to seek and work

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“Haters are confused admirers” – Handling criticism

They say you know you’re on your way to success when you start to get haters. There might be some truth to this maximA maxim is a statement or a phrase that expresses a general truth. More.  As you expose yourself more to the public and become more prominent and

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