5 Fool Proof Tips to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

It’s not uncommon to want to lose weight quickly, especially if you feel like you’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked. But, losing weight quickly isn’t necessarily the same thing as losing weight safely, so it’s important to be careful about how you go about it. If you drastically

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A Few Simple Tricks to Have Success at Life

If we want to have success at life we have to develop attributes that will give us an advantage. We can’t keep doing the same things expecting different results. We have to learn as we go and make the necessary changes to our mindset to succeed. Definition of Success How

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7 Happy Foods That Boost Your Mood and Wellbeing

Believe it or not there are scientifically proven foods that can boost your mood and enhance your mental well-being. After all, we all strive to be a little happier each day. To experience better wellbeing, we experiment with therapy, different workout regimens, and meditation. But what if consuming particular foods

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How to Make Money on YouTube: A Step-By-Step Guide

It’s estimated that there are more than 1,000 channels that make over $1 million per year on YouTube, and thousands more making six figures per year. There are even more that make four figures per year through the site. So whether you want to make just a little bit of

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How to Use Meditation to Increase Productivity

Meditation has been one of the most powerful habits that I have implemented in order to live a more successful life. What is meditation? Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to

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Important Save Money Methods to Create Financial Freedom

Learning save money methods is an important part in creating a plan that leads to financial freedomFinancial freedom is a term that usually means one has enough financial resources to retire early. One can then live the lifestyle they desire, and are not limited by a set salary each year.

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How to Make Money Online Fast and for Free

In all honesty there are countless ways to make money online such as online surveys, writing articles, affiliate marketing, drop-shipping, e-commerce, online teaching…the list goes on and on. But we have to remember that the amount we earn is usually directly related to time invested. Spoiler alert: There are no

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Making Your Bed Everyday to Increase Productivity

Making our beds in the morning is important because it is our first accomplishment of the day, this sets the tone to increase productivity for the day ahead. Or as I like to call it is our first small ‘win’ for the day. And as we all know – winning

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How to Build Confidence and Be Successful

First and foremost, building confidence can be accomplished by anyone.  It may seem like some people are born more self-confidentTo be self-confident is to be secure in one’s abilities, qualities and judgment. More than others and this is only partly true. Sure our DNA and biology may predispose us to certain

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“We should brainwash ourselves for success” – How to be successful

I’m using the term brainwash here as a positive thing and as a strategy to become successful in our desired field. When I talk about ‘brainwashing’, I’m talking about immersing ourselves in the subject we want to be successful in. I’m suggesting that we consume as much information on our

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Microwave workouts

Microwave workouts are a quick way to get in shape before you stuff your face with a meal. Now I’m not promoting the use of microwaves but the fact remains that they are a convenient and efficient way to re-heat food. A good way to get some extra reps in

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“Slow success build character, fast success builds ego” – Progression

How many times have we heard the saying that the journey is more important than the destination? I believe this maximA maxim is a statement or a phrase that expresses a general truth. More to be true. It is our personal growth throughout the journey that helps us learn the

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The secret to a full life is to breathe deeply – Diaphragm breathing

When we are breathing deeply, we are living deeply.  Our breathe affects our life and the way we experience it.  When our breathe is shallow the way we experience life is shallow. Deep breathing or diaphragm breathingDiaphragm breathing is deep breathing technique associated with greater wellness. It is done by

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