“If you are miserable when alone, you’re obviously in bad company” – Negative thoughts

“If you are miserable when alone, you’re obviously in bad company” – Negative thoughts

If you miserable, sad or depressed when you’re alone, it could be a result of negative thoughts. 

You might be distracted by self-deprecating opinions of yourself or unresolved traumas. 

Sometimes its difficult to recognize these thoughts because we keep ourselves busy and distracted, which keep our demons at bay

Sometimes we fear being alone and having to face our own thoughts. 

But this is exactly what we need to do in order to resolve them.

Only after identifying them and coming to peace with them can we re-program ourselves for a successful life.

How to stop negative thoughts

The first step to getting rid of negative thoughts is to identify them.

In order to do this we need quiet time.

We need time alone undistracted by television, gadgets, people and social media.

Time alone to get to know ourselves better. 

Only in true silence can we hear and understand our thoughts. 

Once we identify negative thoughts, we can work on debunking them so that they lose their power over us.

Talk nice to yourself

getting rid of negative thoughts

We have countless thoughts pass through our heads on a daily basis. 

Imagine what we can accomplish of we took the time to identify the negative ones and resolve them. 

We are running on auto-pilot everyday based on our beliefs and past experiences, both bad and good. 

Once we clear the mind of negativity we can fortify the mind with more positive messages and commands.

I believe that our minds function very similarly to a computer.

This means that we have the ability to delete negative commands and add positive ones.

The thoughts we have with ourselves when no one is listening will dictate our ability to succeed.

Meditation is a powerful way to identify and confront those negative thoughts and eventually come to peace with them. 


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