5 Fool Proof Tips to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

5 Fool Proof Tips to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

It’s not uncommon to want to lose weight quickly, especially if you feel like you’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked.

But, losing weight quickly isn’t necessarily the same thing as losing weight safely, so it’s important to be careful about how you go about it.

If you drastically cut your caloric intake or start an extremely intense exercise program, there’s a good chance that your body will start to break down muscle tissue.

Extreme cases can lead to loss of bone mass and other dangerous health problems down the road.

Its better to take a gradual approach of steadily reducing your calories and slowly upping your activity.

In order to lose weight quickly and safely, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

But there are some safe methods that you can do to speed up your results and feel good about your efforts, too.

Check out these five tips for fast weight loss that won’t leave you feeling starving, deprived or miserable.

Try them out and watch the pounds melt away.

Tips to Lose Weight

  • Focus on Losing fat, not Pounds
  • Eat Enough Protein
  • Count Your Calories
  • Drink More Water
  • Stay Active

lose weight

Focus on losing fat, not weight

The key to losing weight quickly and safely is getting the right balance of macronutrients. You should eat mostly whole foods with the right balance of proteins, fat, and carbohydrates.

Balanced meals are important because it will allow you to get all the nutrients your body needs as well keeping you full and satiated.

When choosing fats, try to choose healthy fats such as nuts, avocados and unrefined plant based oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil etc.

Try to eat several smaller meals throughout the course of the day so that you keep your metabolism stimulated and don’t overwhelm your body’s digestion process.

Also, try not to eat for several hours before bed. You don’t want food laying around in your stomach undigested overnight.

Eat Enough Protein

If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important that you don’t skimp on protein.

Protein is a nutrient that helps keep your metabolism running strong and will help keep you feeling full longer.

Make sure you’re getting enough protein by eating lean meats and other high-quality protein sources throughout the day.

It’s important that you are eating lean meats and seafood.

Many everyday meats that we consume are high in saturated fats which are bad for our hearts and our waistlines.

When we eat too much fatty meats, we are essentially transferring fat from the animal we are eating onto our own bodies.

Count your calories online

One of the best ways to lose weight quickly is to track the caloric intake of each meal you consume.

There are plenty of free or low-cost tools available, such as Fitbit and MyFitnessPal.

This way you can see how much you’re eating and how many calories you need in order for your body type.

Always keep in mind that weight loss can be very simple, you need to consume less calories daily than your recommended allowance.

weight loss

Drink more water

One of the simplest ways to lose weight quickly is by drinking more water.

Believe it or not, this simple act can have profound effects on your weight loss.

According to a study done in 2000, people who drank 16 ounces of water before their meals lost almost 3 times more weight than those who didn’t drink water before eating.

Drinking water also helps you feel fuller for longer and has been shown to increase metabolism.

Stay Active

Staying active is an important factor in weight loss and you can not expect to lose weight with dietary restriction alone.

As I said earlier you need to burn more calories than you consume.

The more active you are, the better your chances of achieving your weight loss goals.

Even though methods such as personal training and strength training would be most effective, I understand not everyone has the time and resources to go to the gym.

Alternatively, try and find high intensity workout programs for free on YouTube that are only a few minutes at a time.

Or even get off a stop earlier on your way home and walk for an additional few minutes.

Try doing some pushups, sit-ups or squats while your waiting for the kettle to boil or heating food in the microwave.

Maximize the small tidbits of free time through the day to compound short exercise routines.

It will add up over time and be worth your while in attaining your weight loss goals.


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