How to Make Money Online Fast and for Free

How to Make Money Online Fast and for Free

In all honesty there are countless ways to make money online such as online surveys, writing articles, affiliate marketing, drop-shipping, e-commerce, online teaching…the list goes on and on.

But we have to remember that the amount we earn is usually directly related to time invested.

Spoiler alert: There are no shortcuts to wealth or success.

With that said, we might be able to complete an online survey in 10-20 minutes but we most likely will only be compensated with a few dollars.

On the other end of the spectrum might be something like creating a product online and selling through Amazon, Etsy etc.

In this scenario we can potentially earn a lot more money, but we will have invested much more time in researching, developing, sourcing and selling a product.

How to make money online for beginners

The best way for beginners to make money online is by selling items they already own and don’t need.

This can be done on platforms such as Ebay, FB marketplace, Craigslist, Offerup etc.

The reason I suggest this as a good starting point is because it helps novices get comfortable with the concept of selling products online.

It also helps beginners get a feel of each e-commerce platform and how they function.

Each e-commerce platform has its unique benefit relative to the goals of each individual seller.

The process of selling online becomes easier and more streamlined because we already have the items we are selling laying around the house or garage unused.

I believe this a good initial approach as opposed to the idea of researching and creating a product from scratch.

That can be a lengthy and overwhelming process for someone just getting their feet wet to selling online.

How to make money online fast

The best way to make money online fast today is to sell items you already own on platforms like Ebay, Craigslist, FB marketplace, Offerup, Letgo etc.

Essentially, what you are doing is having an online garage sale.

Do people really want to buy my old stuff?

Although the items you have laying around unused may have fell out of favor with you, it is surprising how many people out there will find it valuable.

“One mans trash is another mans treasure”.

All you have to do is whip out your smartphone, snap a few pictures and list it online.

The best part about it is that all the money you make is pure profit!

I mean after all, you weren’t using the items anyway.

How to make money online for free

So perhaps you don’t have anything of value laying around at home to sell online.

No worries, simply go to craigslist under the ‘free’ section and there are countless items of value that people give away daily.

Why would people give away perfectly good stuff?

Usually it’s a result of moving, redecorating, spring cleaning.


Just go pick up for free and resell it online for a profit.

A big part of being a successful entrepreneur is about hustle and craftiness.

You have to make things happen for yourself instead of making excuses.

Now you have a system to make money out of thin air and you can lather, rinse, repeat.

Keep selling and saving your profits and you can eventually use them as seed money for your next business venture.

This should be the beginning to your guidebook to creating wealth.

Keep re-investing your profits back into your business allowing your money to create positive momentum.

As it accumulates it is re-invested it will create more money and more opportunity.


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