“We should brainwash ourselves for success” – How to be successful

“We should brainwash ourselves for success” – How to be successful

I’m using the term brainwash here as a positive thing and as a strategy to become successful in our desired field.

When I talk about ‘brainwashing’, I’m talking about immersing ourselves in the subject we want to be successful in.

I’m suggesting that we consume as much information on our desired topic as possible.

This way – we can start thinking, living, and breathing in those terms.

How do we become successful?

We have to educate ourselves as much as we can in our chosen field in order to better our odds of success in that field. 

We can give ourselves an advantage over our competition and put ourselves in a better position to succeed by preparing ourselves. 

By inundating ourselves with new information, we can continually grow and help place the odds in our favor. 

The better we understand our field and the inner workings of it, the more likely we are going to be able to operate successfully in that field.

The eventual goal should be for us to become in expert in our desired field.

It’s never too late to find success

never too late to find success

Take me for example, my background is in mental health – sociology and psychology.

After college I spent over a decade working in the mental health field.

Although I enjoyed helping people, deep down inside I was feeling unfulfilled.

I always had an entrepreneurial bug inside me but I wasn’t sure where to start.

Furthermore, I was lacking any real life examples of people I knew who were successful entrepreneurs to follow their lead.

Eventually, it was podcasts that begun to educate me on becoming an entrepreneur and the abundance of possibilities that exist.

Learning should be your obsession

learning is the key to success

I quickly became obsessed, devouring as much information as possible.

Then slowly, I was able to create a vision of what starting my own business would look like for me.

Through listening to hours of podcasts a day, I was able to go online and research the concepts I learned about further so that I could get a better understanding of all the new ideas.

I invested hours a day, everyday, in learning and still do, to this day.

I continued to work my full time job by day and worked on my entrepreneurial passion at night.

After about two and a half years of gradually growing my business, I was able to eventually leave my career.

The success I have achieved would have never been possible if I didn’t choose to dedicate myself to learning as much new information as possible.

Actually, I invested several hours a day, over the course of several years to learn as much as I can about my new career choice.

I didn’t make any excuses or take days off and I continued to learn any chance I had.

I listened to audiobooks and podcasts in the car, watched videos in my downtime, and read countless articles so I could continue developing my own picture of success.

It’s important that we understand that for continued success, learning should be a lifelong process.

But learning in itself is just the starting point.

Eventually we have to implement and put into practice the things we have learned.


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