“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” – Healthy diet

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” – Healthy diet

This is one of my favorite health quotes of all time and the secret to living a long healthy life. 

In fact, this should be our life mantra.

I believe that most of us make our food decisions based on desires and cravings, and not based on the nutrition our bodies really need.

This is very selfish in a sense because we choose to eat according to the taste of the foods we like.

Instead, we should be eating according to the right kind of fuel to function optimally.

You wouldn’t put cheap gas in a Ferrari would you?

I digress..

If we can place an emphasis on eating healthier foods that nourish our bodies than we can yield greater results from our bodies.

Health creates harmony

health is wealth

Harmony is created when the mind and body work in unison because they are interconnected.

Having a healthier physical body will automatically lead to having a sharper and more well conditioned mind.

Our ability to stay organized and focused will directly affect our ability to be successful at the things we work on.

We shouldn’t wait until we are sick to try and get ‘healthy’


I believe the most important aspect to living a full and healthy life is through a a preventative health model.

This means that through healthy living and routine checkups we are able to prevent disease and illness before it happens.

This is a much more advantageous position then instead trying to fight, heal or cure a disease. 

If we let food be our medicine – by consuming a variety of mostly whole foods, we can prevent disease before it happens.

Balance is not something we find but something we create

I also believe in indulging from time to time as well.

Which brings me to my next point.

Balance is important.

I don’t believe that we should deprive ourselves of the foods we enjoy but instead try to modify them to be healthier or indulge in them on occasion only.

If we can consume a diet of mostly ‘whole foods’ (fruits and vegetables) we should be able to live a healthier and more full life.

Why whole foods?

whole foods

From a common sense perspective ‘whole foods’ grow naturally and are unrefined.

These natural foods made up the diet of our ancestors.

Present day, most diet consists of packaged, preservative-laden, manufactured foods that lead to disease.

These packaged foods are stripped of all their natural properties and manufactured to last indefinitely.

Conversely, whole foods are foods that are grown in nature, they are alive and are designed specifically for our body. 

Fruits and vegetable are designed by nature to be bio-available to our body and provide us with vitality. 

By eating a wide variety of these natural foods, we will be able to gain the diverse variety of nutrients that our body needs.

Whole foods are live foods full of live enzymes and will promote life.

Dead foods will promote…well you know.


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