“Gratitude turns what we have into enough” – Being grateful

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough” – Being grateful

Gratitude is one of the most important characteristics we can adopt in the search for happiness and success.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is simply the quality of being thankful.

In a world where we are constantly on the search for more, gratitude helps us ground ourselves and realize how blessed we already are.

It gives us a chance to reflect on the many blessings we are endowed with and helps us understand that many others across the globe are not as fortunate.

I start every morning by expressing gratitude because this gives me an optimistic start to the day.

I wake up feeling positive because I am alive and well, which is the first blessing of the day.

Instead of mentally being caught in the rat race of accumulating – money, material items, clout – I can instead focus on the things I already have to be grateful for.

Gratitude is also plays a major role in having an abundance mindset.

If we are thankful for the abundance we already have then we will attract more abundance.

On the other end of the spectrum is the scarcity mindset.

With the scarcity mindset we tell ourselves that we are lacking and don’t have enough.

This mindset creates a mentality that there will never be enough for us and is usually related to fear, stress and anxiety.

Gratitude is relative

Sometimes it’s difficult for us to feel grateful when things don’t seem to be going our way.

During these times we should keep in mind that regardless of our circumstance, there are always people out there that are less fortunate than us.

Almost 10% of the world lives in extreme poverty. This means that they live on less than $1.90 a day.

We probably spend more than that daily on a cup of coffee.

When we focus on how much more we have compared with so many others around the world, feeling grateful should start to become pretty easy.

Gratitude is the best attitude

A lot of times we might be dissatisfied about where we are in life but perhaps we are being too hard on ourselves.

We have to be careful not to get caught in the trap of superficiality and comparing ourselves to what we see on social media.

This is a surefire way to feel down about ourselves, comparing our life to the lives portrayed on social media.

Gratitude is a powerful strategy for success and wellness because it is a choice.

When we choose to be grateful for the things we have, we feel happier overall.

This is confirmed by a 10 week study that found gratitude to be ‘strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness”.

How to practice gratitude

There are countless ways to express gratitude daily.

This can be done through prayer, meditation, a daily gratitude journal, etc.

Or maybe even picking up the phone and thanking someone for being a good friend/family member.

I tend to think the simplest methods are the best methods.

Perhaps we can start each day by thinking of three things that we are grateful for.


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