What Should I Include In A Cover Letter?

When applying for a new job we always are faced with the nagging question, what should I include in a cover letter. Although not always necessary with a job application, including a cover letter shows you’re a serious applicant. It tells potential employers that you are willing to go above

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What is a Public Speaker and 7 Helpful Tips About Public Speaking

In this article you will find some useful tips about public speaking. Speaking in public can be scary, but it’s not that hard once you get used to it. It’s just like anything else: Practice makes perfect. The more you speak in public, the easier and more natural it feels.

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Abundance Manifestation Quotes for Health and Wealth

In this post you will find some valuable abundance manifestation quotes to help you develop an abundance mindsetAn abundance mindset refers to the perspective that there is plenty out there for everybody. This mentality allows us to focus on all the positive things that life has to offer. People with

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Growth Mindset Quotes With Examples to Be The Best You

Definition of Growth Mindset What is a Growth Mindset? A growth mindset is the belief that the our natural talent and intellect is just a starting point for learning. Through the growth mindset perspective, hard work and dedication and can overcome any perceived shortcomings in ourselves. This mindset allows us

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7 Signs of a Person with Negative Energy So You Can Avoid Them

A person with negative energy may have their place in the world, but their outlook can be detrimental to your own health and happiness if you’re dealing with them too often. Fortunately, there are some signs you can look out for that will alert you when the negativity is coming

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Toxic People Characteristics and How to Avoid the Drama

Those who display toxic people characteristics are some of the most problematic people that we will meet in life. With that said it is more than likely that you’ll run into toxic person at some point in life. These are people who make your life more difficult than it needs

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A Few Simple Tricks to Have Success at Life

If we want to have success at life we have to develop attributes that will give us an advantage. We can’t keep doing the same things expecting different results. We have to learn as we go and make the necessary changes to our mindset to succeed. Definition of Success How

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8 Powerful Everyday Habits to Lead a Life Fulfilled

Leading a life fulfilled should be the main objective of everyone who has the opportunity. Leading a full life is the key to finding happiness and joy. Definition of a Life Fulfilled We all want to be happy in life, but what does that actually mean? Living a fulfilled life

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Stress Management Plan: 5 Proven Ways to Manage Daily Stress

Having a stress management plan is an important way to fight off everyday stress and lead a happy and fulfilling life. What is Stress? When we feel pressured or threatened, we respond by becoming stressed. It typically occurs when we are in a precarious position that we don’t feel we

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7 Simple Confidence Building Exercises You Can Use Right Now

Below you will find 7 simple confidence building exercises that you can start using right away. Not everyone is born naturally confident. The good news is that like any other skill, confidence can be learned and refined with practice. What is Confidence? Confidence can be defined as feeling self-assured by

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How To Keep Yourself Motivated Daily: 8 Tips For Success

Keeping yourself motivated is often easier said than done, especially when you’re tired, busy, or stressed out. However, there are ways to help you stay motivated daily so you can get more done and feel better about your accomplishments. This article provides tips and tricks to help you keep yourself

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9 Self Improvement Goals to Be Your Best Self

Below you will find 9 self improvement goals so you can excel in your life. If you’re looking to be the best version of yourself, then self-improvement is going to be critical to your success. This can seem overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be so difficult or

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Life Hacking Tips That Are Actually Useful

There are a lot of simple life hacking tips and tricks on the internet but most of them are not practical for the real world. Below I have compiled a few hacks that I believe will actually be useful. Lets start off with the meaning of a life hack. What

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“Gratitude turns what we have into enough” – Being grateful

Gratitude is one of the most important characteristics we can adopt in the search for happiness and success. What is gratitude? Gratitude is simply the quality of being thankful. In a world where we are constantly on the search for more, gratitude helps us ground ourselves and realize how blessed

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The Best Method of Studying – Using the Pomodoro Technique

All students are constantly on the search for the best method of studying. The Pomodoro technique might be the best method of studying because it increases our efficiency and productivity. It is able to make us more productive because it increases the amount of time we can focus on tasks

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Positive Affirmations As Tool for Success

Positive affirmations are undoubtedly one of the greatest tools that we can utilize for success. They allow us to ‘re-program’ ourselves with positive commands that we can repeat over and over until they are tattooed indelibly into our brain. These affirmations can help us re-wire our conscious and subconscious minds

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How to Use Meditation to Increase Productivity

Meditation has been one of the most powerful habits that I have implemented in order to live a more successful life. What is meditation? Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to

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Making Your Bed Everyday to Increase Productivity

Making our beds in the morning is important because it is our first accomplishment of the day, this sets the tone to increase productivity for the day ahead. Or as I like to call it is our first small ‘win’ for the day. And as we all know – winning

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How to Build Confidence and Be Successful

First and foremost, building confidence can be accomplished by anyone.  It may seem like some people are born more self-confidentTo be self-confident is to be secure in one’s abilities, qualities and judgment. More than others and this is only partly true. Sure our DNA and biology may predispose us to certain

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“A good nights rest is an investment in what you’ll accomplish tomorrow” – Sleep benefits

The importance of sleep is extremely vital yet is often overlooked as something that is non-essential. We often believe that we can regularly deprive ourselves from sleep without any repercussions.  Yet, sleeping well is just as important as breathing well or eating well. We often hear ‘I’ll sleep when I’m

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Microwave workouts

Microwave workouts are a quick way to get in shape before you stuff your face with a meal. Now I’m not promoting the use of microwaves but the fact remains that they are a convenient and efficient way to re-heat food. A good way to get some extra reps in

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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” – Healthy diet

This is one of my favorite health quotes of all time and the secret to living a long healthy life.  In fact, this should be our life mantra. I believe that most of us make our food decisions based on desires and cravings, and not based on the nutrition our

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The secret to a full life is to breathe deeply – Diaphragm breathing

When we are breathing deeply, we are living deeply.  Our breathe affects our life and the way we experience it.  When our breathe is shallow the way we experience life is shallow. Deep breathing or diaphragm breathingDiaphragm breathing is deep breathing technique associated with greater wellness. It is done by

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