“I strive to thrive, not just survive” – Achieving our dreams

“I strive to thrive, not just survive” – Achieving our dreams

The mental and physical environment that we reside in is directly related to our ability to achieve our dreams.

If we are in ‘survival mode’ we are taking a more defensive posture in life and will not be able to truly excel to our full capabilities.

Being in survival mode has a purpose and is an important strategy in overcoming adversity.

Therefore, there is a time and place for this mentality.

But once we find stability and are ready to go to the next level, we need a ‘thrive’ mentality.

If we remain in negative environments with negative people, we are most likely going to have to function in ‘survival mode’ to protect ourselves.

With that said, if we truly want to to reach our maximum potential we have to shift over to ‘thrive’ mode.

You have to thrive to achieve your goals


Remember we can’t be defensive and offensive at the same time.

In order to thrive, first we must remove as much negativity from our lives as possible.

This includes our mindset, our physical environment and any negative people around us.

Only then can we focus on thriving and letting positive momentum compound to our benefit, allowing us to become the best version of ourselves.

Repeat after me.



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