
Here are some resources for anyone wanting to start an online business, home based business, or earn passive income.

Most of the resources listed are free but some are paid but offering free trials.

A free trial is a good way to test the product or service without commitment to make sure that it is right for you.

Ubersuggest – Quite possibly the free tool that I have used the most during my several years in business. It allows you to find out the search volume of keywords that people type into to Google for free! I’ve created over 30 products and several websites just from using this tool.

Answer the Public – another good free tool to gain insight into popular search terms on Google.

Canva – Free website where you can design logos and pretty much any image you would like for free. The website has countless free templates and effects to liven up your designs. Can upgrade to Pro version for even more features.

Alibaba – Free website with a live directory of manufacturers from over the world that can manufacture just about every product.

Mailchimp – It is a marketing, automation & email marketing platform that allows you to set up marketing campaigns and landing pages for free.

Bitly – Platform that allows you to shorten URL’s for free and create custom free links.

Jungle Scout – Paid software that will allow you to see sales rank and volume of products on Amazon. Also shows listing scores and Amazon fees for products as well as level of competition.

Audible – Get a free trial to listen to 2 free audiobooks in any niche of your choice.

Cinnamon Toast Crypto Bot – algorithmic trading bot designed to identify low points on Ethereum intraday and execute trades at those levels.
